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Dorothy's Jun 2022 Litter: Happy Gotcha Day!


All of the beautiful Labradoodle puppies from Dorothy's June 2022 litter have gone to their new homes, and we are excited to welcome all of the newest members of the Clifton Ranch Doodles family!

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The Taylor Family Welcomes Dudley

The little black puppy nicknamed "Solo" has been adopted by the Taylor family. His name is Dudley, just like his father. The Taylor family is from Jacksonville, FL, and Dudley joins three other fur siblings in his new family. He has already fit right in with all of his new playmates!

We are so thankful to welcome the Taylor family into ours.

The Lee Family

Welcomes Cudi

The little brindle puppy with the nickname "Lando" has been adopted by the Lee family. The Lee family is from St. Johns, FL, where he has over 1 1/2 acres of room to run and play. We hear that Cudi has adapted well, and is gladly enjoying all of the family's attention, and quickly learning his manners!

We are so thankful that the Lee Family has adopted Cudi! Welcome to the Clifton Ranch Doodles family!

The Indiveri Family Welcomes Ollie

The cream Labradoodle puppy nicknamed "Anakin" has been adopted by the Indiveri family. His new name is Ollie. The Indiveri family has two young boys, and together with Ollie, they have become known as the "Three Amigos!" Ollie and the boys play all day, and he jumps right into anything they're doing, including splashing through the water slide!

The Indiveri family is from Orlando, FL, and we are thrilled that Ollie has such a great new home.

The Gestro Family Welcomes Koda

The black Labradoodle puppy nicknamed "Luke" has been adopted by the Gestro family from Tampa, FL. They have named him Koda, and he is just what the Gestro family was looking for in a pet. Koda is being showered with love and attention, and follows everywhere they go! He has added so much joy to their family, and we are so glad that he is fitting in so well.

We are thankful that the Gestros are now part of the Clifton Ranch Doodles family!

The Black Family Welcomes Magoo

The golden Labradoodle puppy nicknamed "Ben" has been proudly adopted by the Black Family from Boca Raton, FL. His new name is Magoo, and he has quickly grown to be best friends with his new fur brother, Moose. They run and play together, and especially enjoy tug-of-war with the toys! Little Magoo has brought so much new joy to the Black family.

We are so glad that Magoo has found his wonderful forever home!

The Broersen Family Welcomes Jackie

The happy little black puppy with the white feet nicknamed "Padme" has been adopted by the Broersen family from Bluffton, SC. They came the farthest to adopt their little puppy, and we have learned that Jackie is still wagging her tail just as much as ever.

Is is our pleasure to welcome the Broersen's to the Clifton Ranch Doodles Family! We know that Jackie is going to keep spreading joy everywhere she goes!

The Rassoli Family Welcomes Princess Leia

The puppy nicknamed "Leia" has been adopted by the Rassoli family from Sebring, FL. They have decided to expand her name to Princess Leia, and we hear that she really is the new little princess of their home!. Princess Leia has proven to be so smart already, picking up on commands and new skills almost immediately. And, she loves playing with Avery, her Goldendoodle sister.

We are so happy that Princess Leia has found this warm and loving home!

The Bray Family

Welcomes Gus

The chocolate Labradoodle puppy nicknamed "Chewie" has been adopted by the Bray family from Jacksonville, FL. They have named him Gus, and he has quickly become a great companion for their family. It turns out that Gus is a great office assistant, keeping mom's chair warm in their home office or napping under the desk on his special pillow. And he is so calm all day, until his little human sister gets home; then, all bets are off! They run and play together, bringing lots of laughs1

We are delighted that Gus has found such a special place, and that the Brays are now part of the Clifton Ranch Doodles family!

Finding homes for all the puppies in Dorothy's June 2022 litter has been a great journey. The calm demeanor of this entire litter is a great reflection of the personalities of both parents, Dorothy and Dudley. It has been a special time for us, and we are so blessed to have met such beautiful families throughout this process. Happy Gotcha Day to all of you!

Thanks for Sharing the Joy of Doodles with us!

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1 Comment

Sep 16, 2022

Absolutely love the puppies in Dorothy's litter! Can't wait for the next one!


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