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Week 8: Happy Gotcha Day!

Thanks for sharing the joy of watching the Goldendoodle puppies grow during their first eight weeks. It is Week 8 and the big day has arrived. It’s Happy Gotcha Day and every puppy has been adopted by an amazing new family! We are so glad for all of the newest members of the Clifton Ranch Doodles family!

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The Fiore Family Welcomes Truman

The little black puppy with the yellow collar has been adopted by the Fiore family. His name is Truman, and I think it suits him perfectly. The Fiore family came the farthest to adopt this little guy, all the way from North Georgia. We can already tell that Truman is going to be spoiled, but he in turn is going to make the perfect companion!

The Swenson Family Welcomes Both Cruella (Ella for short) and Daryl

The little black and white puppy with the purple collar was the very first of this litter to be reserved. As Disney fans, the Swenson family quickly named her Cruella (Ella for short) because of how half her muzzle is white and half is black. Along the way, they couldn’t resist the little cream and white puppy with the Tiffany blue collar, and they named her Daryl. Bringing home TWO new puppies was a wonderful surprise for the Swenson kids, and we’re so excited that Ella and Daryl will grow up together!

The Mabus Family Welcomes Sheamus

The little golden puppy with the blue collar has been adopted by the Mabus family. He has been given the name of Sheamus, an old Irish name that suits this little puppy’s temperament perfectly. The Mabus family drove a very long way to pick up their brand new friend and we are thankful that he is going to such a wonderful home!

The Ruiz Family Welcomes Crazy Ol' Maurice

The little golden puppy with the black collar quickly stole the hearts of the Ruiz family. Also Disney fans, the Ruiz family names their new puppy Maurice. This guy has become Mr. Popularity among their friends and family. As a matter of fact, Crazy Ol’ Maurice has his own Instagram page; you’re invited to follow him (@crazyolemaurice_). You can see in the photo that Ellie Mae gave her stamp of approval with the Ruiz family as she jumped right up onto the sofa to greet her puppy’s new family!

The Neto Family Welcomes Brucy

The little black and white puppy with the orange collar has been adopted by the Neto family. They have named this little guy Brucy, as in Bruce Wayne, because he reminds them of Batman with the black markings around his eyes. Brucy is a little bit vocal, but the Neto family said this is perfect because they love to talk and sing and have a great time. I know that Brucy is going to love his great new home!

The Corso Family Welcomes Pearl

The little apricot puppy with the red collar has been adopted by the Corso family. She was the second puppy in the litter that was reserved, and we always loved how she would cross her paws and pose for the camera. The Corso family brought along their adult Goldendoodle, Coral, to meet the new puppy, and the two of them were getting along right from the start! I know that Pearl is going to a great home and that she is going to keep spreading joy to everyone she meets!

The Steinhauer Family Welcomes Finn

The little cream and white puppy with the green collar has been adopted by the Steinhauer family. They have named this little guy Finn, as in Michael Finnegan (you know, the song...). This little puppy had a special place in Christine’s heart and because of schedules, he was the last to go to his new home. He got some extra training, and kisses and hugs and treats and affection... The Steinhauer family also have an adult Goldendoodle named Max. From the start, Max was so gentle with Finn, and they were soon playing together right away! We’re so glad that Finn has such a special new home!

This marks the end of the eight-week journey for Ellie Mae and Dudley’s litter, Joy Grows, A Puppy’s First 8 Weeks. It has been a special time for us, and we are so thankful for everyone we have met throughout the process. All of our new families certainly understand what it means to Share the Joy of Doodles! Happy Gotcha Day to all of you!

Coming up, we will explore more informational topics on our blog. Subscribe and learn more about all of the great things about Doodles! Thank you!

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